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Hydrogen Properties for Energy Research (HYPER) Laboratory Cool. Fuel.

Products, Publications, and Patents

Rethinking ”Publish or Perish”

I deliberately started the HYPER lab to be the only cryo hydrogen lab in US academia. We have little to no competition in this area. Many of the companies that support us are not interested in publications as it allows their competitors to catch-up. This is a very unusual situation in academia as most faculty members are in highly competitive fields where they are forced to publish as much as possible to remain relevant. The old adage is “Publish or Perish” — I don’t have to.

I’ll likely end up training my competition. Given how small this field is, and how few domestic students are in it, I’m okay with that. So my emphasis is primarily on the student and training them to become the leaders in cryogenics and hydrogen in national labs, academia, and industry. You are the lab’s primary products. If a journal paper helps you to look better for your career aspirations, then we’ll write one.

WSU is a public land-grant institution where our mission is to serve our constituents. Placing our research contributions behind journal pay-walls, while it might look good in academia, does not directly help our regional constituents. So most of our time and effort is spent blogging and talking with regional stakeholders. This isn’t totally self-less. By building regional support in many sectors, industry, national lab, etc., we’re better able to leverage federal funding to bring in more researchers.

Table of Contents


Cumulative Publications: 24 Patent Applications: 3 Books: Journal: 13 Proceedings: 11 Sum of Citations: 461  H-index: 7 Last Updated: July 2020


Journal Publications:

17) T. Blackham, I.A. Richardson, J.W. Leachman, and E.W. Lemmon, “Thermodynamic Properties of the Hydrogen/Helium Binary System from 14 to 33 K at Pressures to 11 MPa,” Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (In Review) (2015).

16) I.A. Richardson, J.T. Fisher, P.E. Frome, B.O. Smith, S. Guo, S. Chanda, M.S. McFeely, A.M. Miller, and J.W. Leachman, “Low-cost, Transportable Hydrogen Fueling Station for Early Market Adoption of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, pp. 8122-8127, (2015).

15) T. Blackham, J.W. Leachman, and E.W. Lemmon, “Thermodynamic Property Models for Binary Mixtures Containing Methanol (CH3OH),” Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (In Review) (2015).

14) J.T. Fisher, and J.W. Leachman, “Diagnostic Twin Screw Extruder: Initial Measurements of Continuous Ne, H2, and D2 Extrusions,” Fusion Science and Technology (Accepted for Publication) (2015).

13) J. Bahrami, P. Gavin, R. Bliesner, S. Ha, P. Pedrow, A. Mehrizi-Sani, and J.W. Leachman,Effect of Orthohydrogen-Parahydrogen Composition on Performance of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014), 14955-14958, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.07.014

12) R. Bliesner, P. Adam, and J.W. Leachman,“Parahydrogen-orthohydrogen conversion for enhanced Vapor-Cooled Shielding of Liquid Oxygen Tanks,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 28(4) (2014), 717-723 DOI: 10.2514/1.T4366

11) I. Richardson, J.W. Leachman, and E.W. Lemmon, “Fundamental Equation of State for Deuterium,” Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 43 (2014) 013103.

10) M.B. Pecha, E. Chambers, R.C. Levengood, J. Bair, S.S. Liaw, S. Ha, M. Garcia-Perez, and J.W. Leachman, “Novel Concept for the Conversion of Wheat Straw into Hydrogen, Heat, and Power: A Preliminary Design for the Conditions of Washington State University,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 28 (2013), 4967–4974.

9) J.T. Fisher and J.W. Leachman, “Development of a Diagnostic Twin Screw Extruder to Characterize Fuel Production for Tokamaks,” Fusion Science and Technology, 63(3), (2013) 525-529.

8) J.W. Leachman, J.M. Pfotenhauer, and G.F. Nellis, “Dynamic Shear Stress and Heat Transfer of Solid Hydrogen, Deuterium, and NeonJournal of Applied Physics, 111, (2012), 083513.

7) J.W. Leachman, “Visco-plastic flow predictions of solidified deuterium-tritium mixtures,” Fusion Science and Technology,  60(2), (2011), 486–490.

6) S.K. Combs, J.W. Leachman, S.J. Meitner, L.R. Baylor, C.R. Foust, N. Commaux, and T.C. Jernigan, “A technique for producing large dual-layer pellets in support of disruption mitigation experiments,” Fusion Science and Technology, 60(2), (2011), 473–479.

5) V. Utgikar, R.T Jacobsen, and J.W. Leachman, “The future of hydrogen research in Idaho,” Journal of the Idaho Academy of Sciences, 45(2), (2009), 21–32.

4) J.W. Leachman, R.T Jacobsen, S.G. Penoncello, and E.W. Lemmon, “Fundamental Equations of State for Parahydrogen, Normal Hydrogen, and Orthohydrogen.” Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 38, (2009), 721–748.

3) E.W. Lemmon, M.L. Huber, and J.W. Leachman, “Revised Standardized Equation of State for Hydrogen Gas Densities for Fuel Consumption Applications.” Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 113, (2008), 341–350.

2) J.W. Leachman, R.T Jacobsen, S.G. Penoncello, and M.L. Huber, “Current Status of Transport Properties of Hydrogen.” International Journal of Thermophysics, 28, (2007), 773–795.

1) R.T Jacobsen, J.W. Leachman, S.G. Penoncello, and E.W. Lemmon, “Current Status of Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen.” International Journal of Thermophysics, 28, (2007), 758–772.


Invited Publications and Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings:

18) J. RaymondC. BungeG. Henderson and J. Leachman, “Oxygen separation in a vortex tube with applied magnetic field,” Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, (Hartford,Connecticut) (2019).

17) M. HuntK. SalmonJ. HaneyC. EvansA. Gozen and J. Leachman, “Ultimate Tensile Strengths of 3D Printed Carbon-fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics in Liquid Nitrogen,” Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, (Hartford,Connecticut) (2019).

16) C. D. BungeK. A. CavenderK. I. Matveev and J. W. Leachman, “Analytical and numerical performance models of a Heisenberg Vortex Tube,” Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, (Madison,Wisconsin) (2017).

15) I. A. Richardson and J. W. Leachman, “Modeling the effects of dissolved helium pressurant on a liquid hydrogen rocket propellant tank,” Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, (Madison,Wisconsin) (2017).

14) K. CavenderC. EvansJ. Haney and J. Leachman, “Design of a Helium Vapor Shroud for Liquid Hydrogen Fueling of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV),” Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, (Madison,Wisconsin) (2017).

13) P. Cruz, E.D. Shoemake, P. Adam, and J. Leachman, “Tensile strengths of polyamide based 3D printed polymers in liquid nitrogen,” Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference–CEC: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, (In Review) (2015).

12) C.M. Leachman and J.W. Leachman, “If the Engineering Literature Fits, Use It! Student Application of Grey Literature and Engineering Standards,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference (Seattle,WA) (2015).

11) P.M. Adam and J.W. Leachman, “Design and performance of a reconfigurable liquid hydrogen fuel tank for use in the Genii unmanned aerial vehicle,” Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference–CEC: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 1573 (2014), 1299.

10) I.A. Richardson, T.M. Blackham, J.W. Leachman, and S.G. Penoncello, “Retrofit of a Rubotherm Isosorp 2000 for PVT-x and Sorption Measurements at Cryogenic Temperatures,” Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference–CEC: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 1573 (2014), 1086.

9) C. Chaney, P. Adam, J. Leachman, and K.I. Matveev, “Development of the Genii-UAS Demonstrator: a Small-Class Vehicle with Low Wing Loading and Fuel Cell Propulsion,” 31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference (June 2013).

8) J.W. Leachmanand I. Richardson, “Thermophysical Properties of Hydrogen and Deuterium at all Ortho-para concentrations,” European Cryogenic Engineering Conference, (Invited).

7) I. Richardson and J.W. Leachman, “Thermodynamic properties status of deuterium and tritium,” Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Proceedings of the 2011 Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, 57 (2012) 1841–1848.

6) J.W. Leachman,M. Street, and T. Graham, “Catalytic pressurization of liquid hydrogen fuel tanks for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Proceedings of the 2011 Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, 57 (2012) 1261–1267.

5) C. Nixon, and J.W. Leachman,“Design of a solid hydrogen target cryostat for positron moderation studies,” Advances in Cryogenic Engineering-Proceedings of the 2011 Cryogenic Engineering Conference-CEC, 57 (2012) 384–390.

4) J.W. Leachman, J.M. Pfotenhauer, and G.F. Nellis, “Modeling of a hydrogenic pellet production systemTransactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference–CEC: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 1218, (2010), 1570–1577.

3) J.W. Leachman, J.M. Pfotenhauer, G.F. Nellis, and T.M. Steiner, “A cryogenic Couette viscometer for the measurement of dissipation and heat transfer during solidification.” Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference–CEC: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 1218, (2010), 329–336.

2) S.J. Meitner, L.R. Baylor, S.K. Combs, D.T. Fehling, J.M. McGill, D.A. Rasmussen, and J.W. Leachman, “Twin-Screw Extruder Development for the ITER Pellet Injection System.”  Proceedings of the 2009 Symposium on Fusion Engineering, June, 2009.

1) J.W. Leachman, J.M. Pfotenhauer, and G.F. Nellis, “Model of a Twin-Screw Extruder Operating with a Gifford-McMahon Cryocooler for the Solidification of DeuteriumProceedings of the 15th International Cryocooler Conference, June, 2009.


Completed Theses and Dissertations

3) J.T. Fisher, “Diagnostic Twin Screw Extruder for Characterization of Fusion Fuel Production,” Ph.D. Dissertation (August 2015).

2) C.A. Nixon, “Design and Construction of a Solid Hydrogen Cryostat for Position Moderation Studies,” Master’s Thesis (August 2014).

1) R.M. Bliesner, “Parahydrogen-orthohydrogen conversion for boil off reduction from space stage fuel systems“, Master’s Thesis (July 2013).



3) J.W. Leachman, “Device to separate and convert ortho & parahydrogen using a vortex tube with catalyst,” Provisional Patent Application Number 62101593, 01/09/2015.

2) J.W. Leachman and P. Adam, “Vapor Cooled Shielding Liner for Cryogenic Storage in Composite Pressure Vessels,” Provisional Patent Application Number 62033028, 08/4/2014.

1) J.W. Leachman, “Catalytic pressurization of liquid hydrogen fuel tanks,” Provisional Patent Application Number 61500928, 06/24/2011.


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