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Hydrogen and Cryogenics Cool. Fuel.


The People who Define the HYPER Community


We stand on the shoulders of giants. These people have set a high bar for the HYPER Laboratory and we are grateful to them.

Current Members

From team leads to experienced engineering mentors, these individuals form the backbone of the HYPER Community. These students come to us from across WSU to learn and grow.


We know how hard it can be to manage engineers. We don’t know how they do it.


The HYPER Lab Founder and Principle Investigator guides all HYPER functions.

Member Showcase

Francis Dunne

HYPER’s JCATI proposal to develop the Origami Bellows with Blue Origin was selected for funding, allowing Francis and a few key undergrads to work on that project.

Matthew Hunt

Matthew was recently selected for a NASA SpaceGrant Graduate fellowship to support his current research efforts.


For more information about what our outstanding lab members are working on, check out their research.