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Hydrogen Properties for Energy Research (HYPER) Laboratory Cool. Fuel.

Standardized Service Tests

This content should be from Mark and Jake and relate to the standardized service tests.


Welcome to the Tier 3 template. Begin with clicking “Duplicate and Edit” and “Save as New Post”. Now, feel free to read and replace the guidelines below with your own original content. When you are finished or need a break remember to save your draft. Enjoy.


To lay out the page, follow this format. The headers are block size h2. The other text should be paragraph size.


If you run out of room here, consider making another page with the same template containing different information, then linking that page in the sidebar. For example, this page could be about CCC and then the separate pages for Starfueler and the Leak Detector would go in the sidebar.

Consider using some images here. Large blocks of text can be intimidating, so having visuals to accompany explanations can often help. It’s a balance. Consider a text:visuals ratio similar to a standard
Wikipedia article.

Intro: Roughly two sentences to hook the audience

Here you should put the background of the project. What has been done before? What is the goal/scope of the project or facility?



A helpful tool for page formatting is placing text and visuals into a table. This allows greater freedom of spacing and placement.

Another helpful tool is the use of “Blocks” under the “Format” dropdown of the WordPress word processing box. These are preset titles and subtitles so you don’t have to manually code text size changes.







Table of Contents

Relevant Links

Here you can put links to more information. These can be other pages hosted through HYPER or external links.

Either way, to do this consider using either thumbnails or text.

For text, simply insert a hyperlink (like in most word processing applications) like this.

For an image, you can “Add Media” to upload media or use existing media from the site. Once the image is inserted (consider using the thumbnail 198px X 198px size) you can click it and then the pencil icon (“edit”) that pops up to add a custom link. For example:

*If you upload a new image to the media library and for whatever reason don’t end up using it, please delete it.


If this is a facility, put the specifications here.



Body: Use as many of these headers as makes sense to subdivide. Don’t feel you need this section.

This is where you would write relevant content to whatever header is directly above here. This should have bulleted lists, pics, etc. to make the page interesting. Consider using images for content breaks. For multiple stories, add more ‘Single’ blocks in the page builder.