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Hydrogen Properties for Energy Research (HYPER) Laboratory Cool. Fuel.

Social Thermodynamics: Sophistication versus Evolution

Conformity versus Originality

Reproduce versus Reinvent

Generalize versus Customize

Sophistication versus Evolution

Work versus Heat

In Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book the Selfish Gene, he defines the word meme as the propagation of memories, ideas, and values in cultures similar to the propagation of genes in Darwinian evolution. Stated simply, advantageous memes or genes propagate from individuals into the collective. This concept is the core of the spiral value-Meme (vMeme) … » More …

So just how dangerous is hydrogen fuel?

When I tell people I work on hydrogen fuel, they immediately say something very wrong like, “Are you worried about a mushroom cloud over your lab?” — Mushroom clouds are from a nuclear bomb detonation, and I don’t plan on starting thermonuclear fusion anytime soon in my lab, and if I did, it might save the planet. The other statement I often get is, “Wow, don’t want another Hindenberg!” Again, very wrong. Detailed studies from NASA and others have shown that … » More …

How to write a resume

Want to see my resume?

You’re looking at it.

Here’s why.

This too.


Want to know what I’ve done with, well, anything?

Use the search bar.

When’s the last time you saw a resume with a search bar?



But that’s not why you’re here.

You’re here because they expect you to have one.

They don’t expect you to have a searchable body of work yet.

Wouldn’t that be a fun surprise?


What’s that you say?

They don’t want to see your body of work?

Then what are they hiring you for?


Indicators of performance like GPA, merit badges, … » More …

Agile versus Waterfall for the big one

Two of my PhD students are in the middle of writing their theses/dissertations. No surprise, they missed the awesome seminar by Lean/Agile software pioneer Ryan Martens yesterday. During the seminar Ryan brought up a classic image representing the engineer’s design-build-test progression. The point is to illustrate when and how many times you have to learn in the traditional waterfall engineering design-build-test progress: once, at the end, when you usually don’t have time to revise. The Lean/agile approach to design necessitates that you test (and learn!) about something as quickly as possible. Sometimes you even write the test specification before you begin designing!

At this point, Dr. … » More …