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Hydrogen Properties for Energy Research (HYPER) Laboratory Cool. Fuel.

Montessori, Empathy, and Making Engineers — It’s about the MEMEs

The Montessori method is legendary for childhood development. Many engineers are familiar with the system and often enroll their children within the preschool system due to a reputation for developing science and mathematical skills. What many do not know is that Maria Montessori classified and wrote about the development of 18-24 year olds in the University. I recently completed a search and could not find ANY articles linking the Montessori Method to engineering education. So where did the disconnect emerge and how can we re-envision an engineering education to infuse the magic of the Montessori Method?

I’ll first review the Montessori Method, connect this to modern … » More …

Giving Tuesday 2nd Update!

We’ve got just 5 hours left on our Giving Tuesday campaign. You can follow along live here:

As of 6:45 the official total we’ve raised is $5,900!! I’m so humbled by the community support of our lab and students! Thank you very, very much!

What this number doesn’t show is the $5,000 in match pledged by the Hesterbergs. Their support of student education in clean energy is heart warming.

I also was just informed by an incredible organization that they are arranging the donation of a large hydrogen electrolyzer for the project. These can easily cost up to $30,000! This will be a key addition … » More …

Giving Tuesday Update!

Hi Everyone,

We’re about 4 hours into our Giving Tuesday crowdfunding campaign. We’re currently in 3rd place in the University with nearly $600 from 10 gifts, that will be matched up to $5k by Tim and Beverly Hesterberg. A huge THANKS to those that have already pledged support for the students!

For those of you not following along on Twitter, here’s a transcript of the fun tweets the lab came up with:

Good Morning, please, allow me to introduce our #H2Flo #WSU #GivingTuesday crowd-funding effort: #GoCougs

THE NEED FOR #H2flo: Wide-spread use of #FCEV and the #hydrogen economy is the refueling infrastructure. No stations … » More …

Using design theory to explain the future of football

[Note: This post was adapted in January 2020 to reflect WSU’s hiring of Nick Rolovich.]

It didn’t make sense but I ran my assignment anyways. But I was just a lineman in high-school. I picked up the linebacker I was assigned to, only to watch another make the play. I was frustrated. So in the middle of practice, I stopped the whole team and did the mutinous act of questioning the coach. “Coach, can you help me understand this because I’m missing something.” I went through all of the assignments of the players on that side of the field. “Why am I not picking up … » More …

A Thanksgiving Blessing — Social Thermodynamics Style

This Thanksgiving we’re thankful for empathy,

that social form of law in entropy,

to help us when we’re not quite sure,

of the prevailing social temperature.

Cause we’re often tempted to think lesser,

especially under social pressure,

and forget that our stomach’s capacity is able,

to appreciate the values of others at our table.

For in this diverse richness of our cultural dish,

we find the opportunities we may have missed,

and begin to realize the number of ways,

we can … » More …

Social Thermodynamics: Derivative Properties

My long time friend David Rowe (who I learned thermodynamics with) read my post the other day on the election and political thermodynamics. After thinking about it for awhile he spurred me into extending my initial social thermodynamics property definitions. For additional context, these other reads are also helpful: understanding of mixing of social states and empathy, and insights on social reaction. Dave’s key statement came after thinking about the election and my property definitions:

“…how could one person prioritize anti-establishment concepts over overtly racial division? … As I’m writing, I’m thinking – what if heat capacity actually represents a person’s capacity to accept a certain … » More …

A response to “Toyota vs. Tesla: Can Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Compete with Electric Vehicles?”

Tony Seba, a Stanford University lecturer and renewable energy entrepreneur, is working hard as an advocate for clean and renewable solar power and battery electric vehicles. This is a cause we need many people working hard towards. However, as is usually the case, problems arise not with what someone wants, but how they go about it. In one of his recent popular posts and presentations “Toyota versus Tesla: Can Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Compete with Electric Vehicles?” Tony presents six reasons that hydrogen cannot compete with electric vehicles. We’re going to address these one by one:

1.Hydrogen is not an energy source

Entirely true. Neither is electricity. … » More …

A Waterboarding Welcome — Academy style

You know the story:

You hop on a plane to visit someplace nice. Upon arrival you’re greeted by some dignitaries and designated representatives with a relaxing meal, mostly smiles, small talk, and some jokes.

But then at some point in the discussion, you realize that you have something they want.

Before you know it you’re thrown in a van, driven somewhere, dumped off someplace you may have been before but are not really sure. The door slides shut as the van drives away and you’re ushered into a building with a long hallway full of nondescript marked doors. Eventually you reach the door your captors intend and … » More …

My WSU Drive-to-25 recommendations

WSU clearly has a top 25 constituency for a public institution however is currently ranked 47th nationally. So what’s to blame and how do we fix it? In this post I’ll review the external and internal conditions for growth, then apply lean manufacturing and design philosophies with a sprinkling of social entropy to describe how we’ll fix it. Along the way you’ll likely see that top 25 is readily achievable… if we rally together as a community and get beyond some of our old ways (yes that’s an entropy pun!).
The external conditions are great:

 The conditions are prime for growth in our region … » More …